What Do You Want Your Dash To Mean?

H.I.S.T.O.R.I.C. which stands for Helping Individuals Self-esteem Through Our Research In Clothing, is a brand created to educate, inspire, and uplift.  Our vision is geared towards using our apparel to not only make the consumer look good, but to also encourage them to think, believe, and become motivated through fashion.  Our demographic outreach is a little different from other brands because we are not trying to leave anybody or any age group out.  We say that because no matter how young or how old you are there is a part of this brand that describes you or there's a design or message you can relate to.  Another unique aspect about H.I.S.T.O.R.I.C. is it's a name in a name which gives us a wide range and variety to work with therefore; we don't have to limit ourselves or put our ideas into a box.  H.I.S.T.O.R.I.C. is a person, place, or thing that describes something or someone great that will be remembered forever.  It's not only about clothing it is a way of living by how you carry yourself, what you do day to day, and furthermore your goals in life.  You have your born date, your dash, and your demise; what do you want your dash to mean.  When it's all said and done everybody wants to be remembered for something, so be H.I.S.T.O.R.I.C. in your own way.